Elekta’s innovative precision radiation therapy solutions are life changing for people living with cancer. With a mission to improve patient lives by working in collaboration with their customers and partners, 能够在世界各地开展业务扩展了这一范围. Time is always an imperative within the medical sector; while companies want to get their 产品 into new markets quickly to reach as many patients as possible, there are still important regulatory and legal requirements that need to be addressed before this can happen.


作为一家乐博彩票官方app公司,希望在南美建立公司, Elekta initially needed a low-risk solution that would support a local presence while also providing help with market research. The first market they started with was 巴西, and they have followed with 哥伦比亚 and 智利.

安东尼奥·庞塞, Elekta的南美副总裁说:“当我开始在Elekta工作时, 我的第一个办公室是在巴西的乐博彩票官方app商业公司. 第一天, 我有一张桌子, 一台电脑, 移动电话, 我可以立即开始真正的工作:聘请律师和雇人. 我们在乐博彩票官方app商务部门工作了六个月,直到我们在Elekta开设了办事处.”

乐博彩票官方app商业是一个促进者. 它不仅仅是一间办公室, 这是乐博彩票官方app调查, 为Elekta找到合适的医院并与之联系, 并通过其政府网络与卫生部合作. 安东尼奥·庞塞,Elekta公司南美副总裁

体能和训练办公室的支持仅仅是个开始, with Elekta taking advantage of the opportunities and proximity of working closely with the Business 乐博彩票官方app team.

乐博彩票官方app商业是一个促进者. 它不仅仅是一间办公室, 这是乐博彩票官方app调查, 为Elekta找到合适的医院并与之联系, 并通过其政府网络与卫生部合作,庞塞解释道.


对许多乐博彩票官方app公司来说,在一个新的国家创业会带来挑战. 这些挑战对公司来说往往是独一无二的, 视行业而定, 产品, 以及当地的要求. 对于Elekta, 注册他们的医疗设备需要他们浏览未知的流程和文书工作, 而且还要识别和参与政府招标. The need to understand the technical specifications of these tenders and how Elekta’s 产品 would fit into tenders was critical. 在Elekta的早期建立阶段, 使用乐博彩票官方app商务公司的服务可以快速跟踪这一过程.


“When you start from scratch in a new country, there are also political roads you need to navigate. 与乐博彩票官方app商务公司合作要容易得多, they have the proper knowledge about the market and can tell you the exact forms that need to be completed, 如何申请审批, 谁在做决定.”

“我们的产品技术含量很高, 其中一些还含有放射性物质, this is not something you can just sell without going through the right regulatory and product registration processes. Business 乐博彩票官方app found the person who would be able to help with the regulatory process and product registration. 这意味着我们为公开招标所需的快速转变做好了准备, 我们什么都准备好了, 所以我们没有错过.”

Elekta’s South American presence and ambitions are growing and support from Business 乐博彩票官方app has enabled them to replicate the model used in 巴西 in both 智利 and 哥伦比亚. 通过使用乐博彩票官方app商务局的就业服务, Elekta have been able to put sales representatives in both countries and start the scale-up process, 没有风险,也没有找办公室或成立公司所需的长时间.

对我来说, 我了解当地的乐博彩票官方app和语言, but Business 乐博彩票官方app could also connect back to the Elekta head office and sort out problems quickly. 我们一起迅速解决问题,所以我们的产品总是符合要求, 我们找到了合适的人. 安东尼奥·庞塞,Elekta公司南美副总裁

巴西60%以上的医疗保健服务由公共部门经营, 这个数字在整个南美洲都是一样的, so it has been a critical part of their approach in the region to be part of large-scale public tenders. Being able to put their precision radiotherapy equipment into public hospitals means their reach and impact on patients with cancer has been profound.

Elekta now have a 35 per cent share of the market with over 270 machines in hospitals across South America. 这些机器的影响是巨大的. 平均, 该地区的一台Elekta机器每天治疗80-90名患者, 相比之下,美国或欧洲的年龄在30-35岁左右. 这意味着每一天, 超过22个,000名患者接受由乐博彩票官方app公司开发的设备的癌症治疗.

Elekta的乐博彩票官方app拓展和渗透仍在继续, 与乐博彩票官方app商业部的合作也是如此. Elekta continue to leverage Business 乐博彩票官方app’s role in representing Swedish companies and the Swedish brand, 这在巴西很受尊重.


Ponce concludes: ‘Swedish companies have a good reputation; they deliver what they say they are going to do, 他们受到尊重. This is critical in the healthcare sector where hospitals need to know exactly what they are going to get and when. And Business 乐博彩票官方app has the trust of the public sector and the government departments approving and buying medical equipment.

“对我来说, 我了解当地的乐博彩票官方app和语言, but Business 乐博彩票官方app could also connect back to the Elekta head office and sort out problems quickly. 我们一起迅速解决问题,所以我们的产品总是符合要求, 我们找到了合适的人.”



Launching 操作 in South America meant Elekta needed a local presence and support to connect with the right private and public stakeholders to ensure they were legally and medically compliant to sell and distribute their 产品 and engage in government tenders.


商务乐博彩票官方app提供企业孵化和运营服务, 提供办公场地和行政支持, 以及正在进行的就业服务. 快速跟踪Elekta的监管和合规, Business 乐博彩票官方app identified and connected Elekta with the appropriate individuals and departments for their specific requirements.


与企业服务支持, 乐博彩票官方app推广, 以及乐博彩票官方app商业在巴西的团队提供的政府参与, 哥伦比亚, 智利意味着Elekta的团队能够立即开始工作, 专注于他们的核心业务, and quickly navigate the legal and medical landscapes to be able to participate in government tenders. 自从他们在南美推出并变得完全合规, 他们目前在该地区拥有85多名员工,占有35%的乐博彩票官方app份额.


Elekta正在继续增长,并在整个地区开展业务, 治疗24岁以上,每天有000名病人接受精准的放射治疗. 他们在公共和私人医疗保健系统中建立了良好的声誉, enabling them to participate in tenders and actively shape the development of the MedTech landscape.


1972年成立于乐博彩票官方app, Elekta is now a leading innovator of precision radiation therapy solutions committed to ensuring that every patient has access to the best cancer care possible. 他们的产品使临床医生能够以更高的质量治疗更多的患者, both with value-creating innovations in solutions and AI-supported service based on a global network.